From Welfare to Work Examining the impact of retaining benefits when returning to work
Issued: May 2015

This working paper examines three household types when they transition from long-term unemployment into employment. The paper examines measures that have been put in place to help individuals and households transition from long-term unemployment into employment. Such measures include being able to retain secondary benefits such as a medical card and Rent Supplement, and also being eligible for the newly introduced Back to Work Family Dividend (BTWFD).
The paper details the Minimum Income Standard (MIS), i.e. the gross salary that these household types need to earn in order to be able to afford a Minimum Essential Standard of Living (MESL) when in receipt of secondary benefits associated with returning to work after long term unemployment.
Finally, the paper details the MIS required for three identical household types who are not eligible for these benefits to demonstrate the income necessary to reach a MESL when benefits associated with returning to work are not applicable.